Why Iyengar Yoga Stands Taller than Others

Do you Yoga. If yes, then you would be well aware of the popularity of Iyengar yoga practice. Everyone seems to be amazed with it and enjoys practicing it. Undoubtedly, all yoga styles provide spiritual, mental and physical benefits. The poses and postures vary. However, the ultimate goal remains the same. Then, what makes Iyengar yoga stand taller than the others. If you too have been perplexed with this question, read on to find the answer.

Iyengar Yoga is Special 

Here’s what makes Iyengar yoga special.

The most special point about Iyengar yoga is that it is approachable for everyone. Its founder, Dr. B.K.S Iyengar made Iyengar yoga accessible for everyone. People with physical and mental limitations can also practice this yoga comfortably.

What’s unique about Iyengar yoga is the use of different props. They are used to help students attain each posture and pose in its true spirit without causing stress and injury. For instance: Head stand and shoulder stand are important poses of Iyengar yoga. Although practicing these seems complicated, the instructors help students attain it with the help of props. In fact, using blankets is essential to protect the neck area. This form of yoga is therefore, well known for caution and mindfulness.

Another distinguishing factor of Iyengar yoga is the precision in body alignment while practicing a pose. A host of props are used to enable students attain it. In fact, props that were once unique to an Iyengar yoga class are popularly included in other yoga styles too. Another point that sets it apart from others is the difference in sequences practiced daily. The same poses are not practiced every day. Changes in daily sequences prevent injury and overstrain. What’s more, it makes the class interesting. Moreover, it helps students calmly abide the poses in their body, without undue strain.

Practice this popular form of yoga at the best yoga studios under the supervision of seasoned instructors.
You can find them at www.namastday.com

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